You Can Own A 'Game Of Thrones' Throne For A Cool $30K

Surely some of you out there have watched Game of Thrones and thought about how exceedingly badass it would be to have a throne made of swords like the one made famous in the show in your living room, right? Well now you can buy a replica of one in the HBO online store for a mere $30,000, plus $1,800 for shipping and handling.

Reports the Wrap:

HBO says no one has stepped up to claim a throne yet, but the replicas just went on sale Tuesday. And, yes, the network says this is real. (We just clicked through to see if we could buy one, and it seemed like we could have. But we didn’t.)

Each throne is made to order, but does not include a cushion…Finally, if you’re seriously considering this, shipping and handling is $1,800.

What, you think $30k and no cushion is going to deter some banker douchebag from buying one of these to put in his Hamptons house? You know it’s coming — too many Joffrey-wannabes with obscene amounts of disposable income on hand for it not to happen.