A British Couple Stranded In Manhattan With A Premature Baby Won’t Face A $200,000 Medical Bill

On December 28th, a couple visiting Manhattan from the UK got a bit of a surprise–their baby decided to join them on their trip, 11 weeks early.

The birth of Baby Dax, who was born just 3 pounds, could have cost his surprised parents, Katie Amos and Lee Johnston, nearly $200,000 in medical bills. That’s all because babies are crazy expensive anyway and Lenox Hill Hospital likely didn’t consider the National Health Service in-network. However, thanks to the publicity the situation has gathered, the hospital has elected to foot the bill (because international PR is priceless).

Fundraising efforts set up by the couple’s friend have pulled in about $10,000 which will be used to pay for the family’s rent and bills back in the UK and what will prove to be a lengthy stay in New York, since their premature baby likely won’t be able to fly until at least March. Even with medical bills covered, this will prove to be a much more expensive “baby”-moon than the pair anticipated.

Welcome to the world, Dax. Your parents will totally hold this over your head when you’re an angsty teen.

Source: Business Insider