This Is Probably Not The Quickest Way To Kate Upton's Heart

I’m pretty sure that if I somehow ended up in the same elevator as Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover model Kate Upton I probably wouldn’t be able to say much more than, “HELLO PRETTY LADY!” before I pissed my pants and fainted, so forgive me if the thought of waiting at the airport in a crowd of dudes is a bit nonsensical to me. But that’s the life of our favorite 19-year old model now that she’s a full blown star, and she’s hopping from airport to airport only to fight through crowds of epic douche.

The folks at Hollywood Star Gossip were on hand at Upton’s recent arrival in Los Angeles, and they caught Upton’s fans on camera as they waved magazines and demanded autographs while probably scaring the crap out of her. During the mild chaos, one of the guy’s yells, “I’ve been waiting here all day” and call me old-fashioned, but shouldn’t that get the guy on some sort of potential stalker list?

See for yourself…

I’m just saying, if I’m Upton’s security team, I might be keeping an eye out for this guy:

Because he is f*cking creepy.

(H/T to Bro Bible; Banner via the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.)