This Is What The Aftermath Of A Two Alarm Fire In Sub-Freezing Temperatures Looks Like

Like most of the Northeast, Philadelphia is currently experiencing extremely frigid weather, with wind chills plummeting far below zero. When I saw a helicopter circling outside my window this morning, I knew whatever was going on probably wasn’t good. As it turns out, a two-alarm fire broke out in a West Philadelphia medical center just a few blocks away from me early this morning, and the aftermath has left a city block completely encased in ice.

The pictures from the scene, taken by My Fox Philly’s Steve Keeley, are incredible — although it sucks for anyone who lives on this block, as temperatures aren’t likely going to rise above freezing for the foreseeable future.

I would have gone to snap some photos of my own, except that I’m not planning to leave my house again until spring.

Via Philadelphia Magazine and KeeleyFox29