Watch This Injured Bear Cub Learn To Walk, Climb, And Give Bear-Kisses

Due to a spinal injury, this bear cub named Blue was unable to walk effectively and quickly got tuckered out when he tried. The people at Free the Bears worked with him for two years, thanks to donations and support from their community. This resulted in a marked improvement and a video that will likely summon your face rain.

The Free the Bears website shows off a few other triumphs, like the case of Champa, a Moon bear with an excess of cerebrospinal fluid on her brain, who was the world’s first bear to have neurosurgery. Free the Bears was founded in 1995 in an effort to help save bears from the awful fate of being hunted for their gall bladder bile, an ingredient that is found in some medications in Asia. They’ve helped hundreds of bears across the world.

(Via BuzzFeed)