VIDEO: What if Disney’s ‘Paperman’ ended in a three way?

Disney’s Oscar-winning short, Paperman, not to be confused with The Paperboy, that movie where Nicole Kidman peed on Zac Efron, was a magical realist romp that simultaneously warmed hearts and failed almost every test of basic logic (not that it wasn’t still enjoyable). As our own Xander Crews described it, “So, uh, I think I just got fired. Also, these paper airplanes really want us to bone. Also, if we were going to buildings directly across the street from each other, why were we taking different trains?”

And now CollegeHumor has put together a little video that’s basically gives Paperman the old-school Tarantino-style retelling  from the point of view of all those magical paper airplanes. Not to give too much away, but I could see Sony commissioning a feature-length version of this under the title “Bad Paper.” Also, CollegeHumor, did you guys really just do two minutes of traditional animation for a threesome joke? Jesus, man. Maybe relax and throw up a cat photoshop or two. You’re really throwing off the internet humor curve.

The original:
