This Totally Gay Sweater Is Made Of 100-Percent Gay Hair

The sweater seen in the above video is more than just a fashion statement. Made of the hair samples of more than 100 people in Canada identifying as gay, lesbian or bisexual, this sweater is totally gay. And that’s the point.

The project, which began at the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, was created to call out the issue of using “that’s gay” as a negative slur. Jeremy Dias, the director for the Centre, said, “I would have loved to grow up in a world where ‘that’s so gay’ wasn’t a thing.” So he put two textile workers to work, using donated hair to create the piece.

“This is just an extreme manifestation of a word that I think people will be forced to realize how silly they sound when they say it,” said one of the artists, Amelia Lyon.

Source: NY Daily News