Who’s Drilling Cabbies In the “Total Recall” Remake?

So, as you might have heard, Hollywood, lacking originality, likes remakes. Even remakes of adaptations that had barely anything to do with the story in question. Hence, “Total Recall” is on the remake block, and the only question is who could possibly deliver the line “SCREW YOU!” with the proper dramatic weight.

The answer? Colin Farrell. Wow, he’s still alive? And acting? What’s he been in lately, aside from starlets?

Most people are kind of upset about this but we think it’ll be awesome. About the only way it could be better is if they’d gotten Dennis Quaid, because then Kuato would come off like he was actually imploring Dennis Quaid to free Mars.

No word on who’s playing the triple-breasted hooker, but we’re betting Gretchen Mol isn’t doing much.

[ via the Mars resistance at IndieWire ]