These Shirts Play Music, Your Argument Is Invalid

Could you imagine what punching this guy in the stomach must sound like?

Look, I have a hard enough time as is just trying to dress myself in the morning. Add to that pathetic notion the fact that I’m godawful at most musical instruments and I think it becomes blatantly obvious why purchasing me one of these playable musical tee shirts is a horrible idea. But that’s just me, I’m a self-proclaimed derelict, unlike the fine citizens of Japan who seem a hundred times more excited over this concept that I am.

I’d love to steal a little thunder right now and explain the idea behind these impressive (and playable) threads, but I’m absolutely positive I could never describe it as well as our pals over at JapanProbe:

There’s are electric guitar, keyboard, and drum t-shirts, all of which can make sounds. The electronic bits are removable, so the other part of the shirt can be washed.

Most of the foreigners who see the shirts are very impressed.

All of the shirts can be purchased through Amazon, so rest assured you should have plenty of time to order a couple of these for that special someone next Valentine’s Day.

Video after the jump of the shirts live in action on the streets of Japan. Our trusty clothing musicians even take the time to jam out with an actual lounge playing pianist. Whether or not they actually produce anything that won’t make your ears bleed is still up for debate.
musical shirt [prb]
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