New Portal 2 Trailer Shows The Importance Of Robot Trust Exercises

Valve has released a new “investment opportunities” trailer as a sequel to the “Panels” one, and it’s a cogent reminder of how many ex-Pixar employees now work for Valve.  The clip follows the robots ATLAS and P-body undergoing trust exercises while J.K. Simmons narrates as Cave Johnson, the Aperture Science founder and CEO, explaining how robots make better test subjects for co-operative tasks because they are more trustworthy than humans.

Do not believe his lies.  Robots are not to be trusted.  Not even cute Pixar-y ones.  Especially not cute Pixar-y ones.  I’m onto you, WALL-E.  You know who else eats trash?  Hobos.  Filthy, gold-stealing hobos.   That’s right, hobos steal gold.  This is why they’re notoriously feuding with the leprechauns.  Look it up.

[Video via RockPaperShotgun, picture via LaughingSquid]