Four Minutes of Green Lantern Wondercon Footage

Anybody else notice it looks like there’s a dildo in his left hand?  Sold.

People attending Wondercon in San Francisco this weekend got to see a bunch of Green Lantern footage, so we hate them.  Luckily, Warner Brothers released four minutes of it (below) and a new poster (to the right).  This is after they said their first trailer (here) kind of sucked, explaining that they didn’t have enough finished footage to make that first trailer from. And yet they did it anyway.  Warner is a lone wolf, baby.  He’s incorrigible and dangerous, like non-white dudes in any Stephenie Meyer book.

The mask still looks a little herp derp, but other than that the new footage is much cooler looking.  Enough talk. Roll that beautiful bean Wondercon footage:

HD available at Apple. [via Blastr]