Portal 2 Has a “Super 8” Level?

“Super 8” is probably going to be like every other project J.J. Abrams has ever been involved with; loaded with promise at first and then undone by his complete inability to write anything coherently (see: “Lost”‘s ridiculously stupid ending, “Cloverfield”‘s functionally retarded protagonists, “Star Trek” relying on a string of ridiculous coincidences a freshman screenwriting student would laugh at…). This is a guy who wrote a script for Superman where Superman does kung-fu and Krypton doesn’t blow up.
That said, Valve has done something pretty awesome: built an interactive movie teaser in the Source engine for the movie and included it with “Portal 2”. How good is it? I actually went from refusing to see this movie ever to wondering if it might not actually be worth seeing once. Although the alien yodelling is kinda stupid. Check out the level on the next slide.

[ via the yodelling aliens at PC Gamer ]