There’s Somebody Collecting The Panties Of “Doctor Who”?

When I first got this link, my thought was “Wait, they’ve made so many versions of Doctor Who Underoo-type products some dude collects them?” I am tragically naive.

No, this man, who is very, very insistent that he is not some sort of pervert, collects the panties of Doctor Who cast members. Not men’s underwear, mind you, because that would be gay. No, seriously, he actually says that he’s not, and I quote, “a gay pervert” and that some cast member needs to stop sending him underwear (John Barrowman, you dirty, dirty man).

So, yeah, there’s some pervert with a Doctor Who focus collecting women’s underwear. And posting pictures on the Internet. Suddenly I feel much, much better about being a Trekkie.

[ via the Thundercats Underpants Collector Society at Topless Robot ]