“The Phantom Menace” Finally Doesn’t Suck Thanks To…Acappella?

Has there ever been a more crushing blow to nerddom than the release of “The Phantom Menace”? Seriously, within one summer, George Lucas managed to destroy any amount of goodwill he’d ever had, created a rift in nerddom that made the Balkan conflict look like a fender bender, and turned what once was a major mainstream franchise into something desperately nerdy. Also, the movie was terrible.
On the other hand, at least “Return of the Jedi” looks a lot better now.
Anyway, despite destroying every scrap of respect anybody had for him, “The Phantom Menace” is still a source of great comedy, and we’re not referring to Jake Lloyd’s acting. Take, for example, this clip, which throws out the original track and replaces it entirely with acappella renderings…complete with lightsaber sound effects. It vastly improves the movie. They should consider doing this for the Blu-Ray.

Good Lord, I’d forgotten the rat-tail Lucas made Ewan McGregor wear. Crawling into a toilet in “Trainspotting” was more dignified.
[ via the padawans at Geekologie ]