Thor And Captain America Throw A Dance Party On The Set Of The Avengers

We’ll be posting photoshops of this later today. That’s a promise. (UPDATE: ta da!)

Our obsession with the photos and videos from the Cleveland set of The Avengers continues (previous galleries: 1, 2, 3, 4). In addition, Marvel screened some new footage at Disney’s D23 Expo this weekend. It hasn’t leaked online yet, but io9 provides a description if you like to read about a video somebody else saw that you can’t see. Then again, my description probably would have amounted to, “Dude! Dude, it’s was awesome. Dude. Seriously. There was like that one guy and that other guy with the thing and they were all like, ‘AAAAA!” and I was all like, ‘Whoa.‘ Seriously dude. So awesome.”

Check out the pictures and videos from the set after the jump. Man, my job is going to get much harder when I don’t have a steady stream of set photo heroin to mainline directly into my eyeballs. I’ll have to switch back to regular heroin.

[Sources: io9; joshw24, MarvelFreshman, and debbidowner at Comic Book Movie]

A fight scene:

Thor hates this car:

Here’s Captain America jumping over cars while stuff explodes. America, F**K YEAH!

Here’s the same video slowed down, although the audio isn’t slowed so people are clapping at nothing. Heh.

On to the next page for the Thor and Captain America dance party:

Finally, here are pictures of Captain America getting defenestrated from that video last week:

. . . I have the weirdest boner right now.