That Was the 90s For Ya — Barbara Walters Interviews the Ninja Turtles

Okay kids, time to set the Wayback Machine to the early 90s. It was a time when the sound of snap-bracelets snapping filled the air, the Simpsons was still actually funny and society found itself deep in the throes of Turtle-mania. Sure, the Ninja Turtles are still around today, but back then they were everywhere. TV, movies, comics, music, video games and the walls of your little brother’s bedroom were all thoroughly turtle-ified. Not even the venerable Barbara Walters Special was exempt.

You heard right, back in 1991 Turtle-fever was at such an all-time high that one of the best-known and accomplished journalists of all time was forced to interview four guys in turtle suits from “an abandoned subway station below the streets of New York” in order to stay relevant. Check out the clip after the jump.


– Donatello making a humping motion after kissing Barbara’s hand. Guess the movie version was a little less gay than the cartoon one. Or compensating harder.

– Michelangelo’s weird pronunciation of “dudette.” Sounds like he’s calling Barbara a “douchette”, but hey, she thanks him for the comment so maybe he was onto something.

– Donatello vomiting from the eyes after being asked about his parents, and Barbara laughing hysterically at his pain.

Ninja Turtles man — what the hell. This is what screwed up the Occupy Wall Street generation.

via BuzzFeed