Got Some Tuition Money You Need to Burn? The University of Iowa’s Offering a Games Journalism Course!

This is what Shutterstock gave me when I entered “Video Games Journalism”. Eh, I won’t argue. 

Hey kids, do you want to write about video games for a living, but aren’t quite sure how to break into the obsessing over games for money biz? Well, here’s something that definitely won’t help — the University of Iowa’s School of Journalism is offering a course on writing about video games.

Let me save you a bit of money — most “game journalists” don’t have a journalism degree, and the few that do probably didn’t go to the University of Iowa. Yes, that’s right, a university is offering a course that may not be helpful in gaining you employment in the real world. Shocking, I know.

Here’s my handy foolproof guide to turning your gaming hobby into cold, hard cash — first you’ve gotta be kind of awkward all through grade school. Not so awkward that you can’t communicate ideas to other human beings, but awkward enough that you spend far too much time with your Sega Genesis and have to develop a sense of humor to get girls to notice you. Once the Internet arrives start writing thousands of words about the games you’re playing to an audience of approximately nobody. This will eventually land you a job writing reviews of Cesar Millan dog-training games for next to no money. Next, and this is important, write some non-gaming related articles on a whim that end up getting millions of views. Suddenly, kind of out of nowhere, you’ll be doing stuff for some of the biggest gaming sites on the web! Victory! Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

Follow the steps above and you’ve got an excellent 1 in a 1000 chance of making some money writing about video games! Those are better odds than the University of Iowa can offer you.

via Kotaku

gamer guy with rad hat via Shutterstock