Pride In Ireland: The Internet Reacts To Landmark Same-Sex Marriage Decision

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Gather up a cold pint of Guinness, for it’s time to celebrate. Ireland’s referendum on same-sex marriage has passed by a margin of two to one. 1.2 million citizens turned out at the polls. The Yes vote won in a landslide 62% to 38% vote.

Ireland’s progress on this issue is awe-inspiring. A mere two decades have passed since homosexuality was decriminalized in Ireland. Twenty other countries have passed same-sex marriage, but Ireland is the first to pass the issue by popular vote. We’re watching history happen.

Social media played a tremendous role in engaging young voters on this issue. The response on social media reflects the world’s interest in Ireland’s victory. On Twitter and Facebook, jubilation spread towards the end of a double rainbow.

(Via Irish Times & The Journal)