Bernie Sanders Finally Decided To Accept A ‘Super Pac’ While Visiting Jimmy Kimmel

Bernie Sanders is still marching on with his thousands, if not millions of supporters, despite lacking mainstream media coverage. Following well behind Hillary Clinton in delegates, the democratic-socialist is still hot on the campaign trail, with late night shows “feeling the bern,” or recognizing their audiences are made up of millennials that absolutely love the Vermont senator. Bernie visited Jimmy Kimmel and discussed the usual issues – climate change, the disappearing middle class and money dominating elections in Washington. You know, the softball issues for a late night show. He discussed how Hillary Clinton has a super pac, so naturally Jimmy Kimmel presented Bernie with his own “super fanny pac” that Bernie can wear wherever he wants. Maybe at the capitol, maybe on one of the many beautiful Vermont Farms.

Part 2 of Bernie Sanders Comes to Jimmy Kimmel didn’t let up on Bernie getting real for the viewers. He explained that the current system of electing a president is far different than being president, and campaigning is a 24/7, non-stop thrill-ride against those that flaunt corrupt campaign financing.

“I’m not quite sure that this is the best way to elect a president of the United States to be honest with you. It’s a process that is never-ending and I think we’ve got to think about a different way.”

As the interview goes on, Bernie Sanders discusses marijuana legalization, income inequality, his grandchildren and the behind-the-scenes of American politics. It’s an interesting interview to say the least.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)