The Internet Suggests Other Things Donald Trump Could Have Stopped

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Donald Trump managed to exceed everyone’s lowest expectations on Thursday by claiming he could have stopped 9/11. This puts him in the illustrious company of Mark Wahlberg and your drunk uncle, probably. The Internet was quick to make jokes about Trump’s latest grandiose claim about what he could do if we’d only just let him. Just as Trump has been raked over the coals with hashtags like #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots and #WhoSays and #AskTheGays, Twitter was back with more sarcasm for the presidential hopeful. All these flavors, and they chose to be salty.

It started with a question posed by igorvolsky accompanied by the hashtag #ThingsTrumpWouldHaveStopped.

The vast majority of the responses were the roaring landfill conflagration we’ve come to expect from politics on the internet, but a few tweets stood out as amusing. We’ve collected our favorites below.

Some people kept their answers short and to the point:

Some people had to up and Godwin’s Law this whole thing:

This being Twitter, somebody had to be that guy:

And this one is on to something:

But then, right at the end — boom! — incepted.


(Via #ThingsTrumpWouldHaveStopped)

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