The Clinton Campaign Came Up With A Brilliant Plan To Punish Trump For Every Tweet

Donald Trump’s Twitter page has been a collection of inflammatory remarks against people who have supposedly wronged him. But Hillary Clinton is using some of his vicious tweets against him with the new Troll Trump tool, which allows users to donate money every time he tweets.

Clinton, The New York Times, SNL, women and just about everything else in this country has earned a derogatory tweet from Trump’s Twitter page. The Clinton campaign has decided to make lemonade out of these incendiary lemons with the Troll Trump tool. Users can donate anywhere from $0.10 to $100 for every time the Republican presidential nominee tweets. And if his early morning tweet storms are any evidence, people could stand to lose their paychecks pretty quickly. The site comes with a pledge that the goal of this tool is to show him how bad his tweets are:

“Hey Donald,

I pledge to donate ____ to Hillary’s campaign every time you tweet because I’m sick and tired of your hateful comments about the American people.

Happy tweeting!”

The idea was originally a joke made by former BuzzFeed editor Matt Bellassai, bu the Clinton campaign thanked Bellassai for his idea, which he took in stride:

The Clinton campaign could see a pretty penny from this idea once the election is finally over.

(Via Hillary Clinton Campaign & AdWeek)