Ellen DeGeneres Gleefully Responds To Eric Trump’s Bonkers Claim That She Is A Part Of The ‘Deep State’

On Thursday’s The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the titular host hilariously responded to Eric Trump‘s ridiculous claim that both she and Twitter were a part of the so-called “Deep State.” Late Tuesday night, the third child of President Donald Trump tweeted a screenshot of the social media platform’s “Who to follow” tab, which suggests possible accounts of interest based on the accounts, trends, and hashtags one clicks on. The algorithm also offers suggestions based on the accounts followed by those one already tollows — like Eric’s sisters Ivanka and Tiffany — but the would-be politico instead opted for the conspiracy theory route.


Needless to say, DeGeneres first noticed Eric’s tweet when it went viral on Wednesday, so she decided to address it head-on during Thursday’s monologue:

“So I have some questions. First of all, which one is Eric? Did he kill the elephant or the cheetah? Which one? So second, what is ‘deep state’? Is it near Dollywood? Because I’m in if it is… Apparently, Eric Trump thinks that Twitter is trying to trick him into following liberals. Apparently, I’m part of some secret government conspiracy called the ‘deep state’ [and] I found out ‘deep state’ is supposed to be a group of people they believe are trying to undermine Donald Trump. Which is ridiculous, because no one has undermined Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.”

DeGeneres told Eric she was “honored” he thought she was “powerful enough to be part of a government conspiracy,” and apologized for disappointing him. “Even if somebody wanted me to be involved,” she said, “I don’t have that kind of time. I’ve got my gay agenda meetings on Mondays, on Wednesday Beyonce and I host an Illuminati brunch, and then Portia [de Rossi] and I are on the weekends … desperately trying to have a baby.” In conclusion, the show host pointed out that since Ivanka and Tiffany both follow her on Twitter, perhaps that was why her account popped up in Eric’s “Who to follow” tab.