A Pittsburgh Man Made Yard Signs About Donald Trump’s Bad Taste In Food

Donald Trump is not having a good time in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. First, he asked “How’s Joe Paterno?” at a rally — which flopped because 1) Paterno ended his career embroiled in scandal and 2) the man has been dead since 2012. Now lawn signs about him not liking certain Pittsburgh staples are going viral on social media.

According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, psychiatrist Eric Rickin has put up custom made lawn signs up at his home claiming that “Trump likes Hunt’s Ketchup,” and also “Trump hates pierogies.” In addition, Trump won’t let people save parking spots apparently, because Rickin also has a sign up saying, “Trump moved my parking chair.” These signs really make you think–that Trump doesn’t sound like a guy with great taste, or with a sense of decorum. Maybe I shouldn’t vote for him.

Why this strategy? Rickin says that nothing else works, so being a little out there might be the only thing that helps. As the Post-Gazette quotes him:

“I feel his whole campaign and his positions are absurd. But when you try to argue with logic, it doesn’t really work,” said Dr. Rickin, who cast the lawn decoration as confronting “the absurd with absurdity.” His theatrics caught fire this week on social media, where Facebook users shared a photo of the signage more than 1,900 times before Mr. Trump’s campaign stops today in Pittsburgh.

Even out of towners who don’t know that in Pittsburgh you use Heinz ketchup can appreciate the humor, as do Trump volunteers. The Post-Gazette quotes Trump supporter Tricia Cunningham as saying, “I thought it was very creative. You’ve just got to laugh about it.”

(via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)