Allow Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Explain Why Trump Was Slurring His Speech During His Jerusalem Announcement

When Donald Trump gave a formal statement on Wednesday to announce that the U.S. embassy would be moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move that departs with decades of foreign policy and could cause even more violence and turmoil in an already volatile area, many couldn’t help noticing that the president oddly seemed to be slurring his speech. Trump’s latest gaffe quickly became the subject of late night fodder and everyone from Trevor Noah on The Daily Show to the women of The View wondered: does the president wear dentures?

At the very end of her press briefing on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the issue, and fear not — Trump’s slurring was apparently nothing to be alarmed about. “I’ll break the rules and come back,” she said. “I know there were a lot of questions on that, frankly, pretty ridiculous questions.

According to Sanders, the president’s throat was simply dry. “He does have a physical scheduled for the first part of next year,” she continued. “The full physical that presidents go through that take place at Walter Reed, and those records will be released by the doctor following that.” If Trump’s mouth was dry though, he surely could have just brought a bottle of water to the podium with him, right? Nothing to ridicule there!