Tucker Carlson Enlisting Fabio As An Expert On The California Economy Is Beyond Parody

Tucker Carlson’s known for effecting an expressionless demeanor during much of his Fox News show, so it’s always a thrill when he gets emotional at all. Well, he was extremely excited while tweeting about his Fabio Lanzoni interview on Thursday, and boy, this was a segment to behold. On the same cable news network on which Laura Ingraham told LeBron James to “shut up and dribble,” Carlson let a celebrity run wild with his thoughts on the California economy.

The result? Very strange. Fabio — still notorious for an endless supply of Harlequin romance book covers — ranted about the state being “like the wild, wild west,” and he trashed Governor Jerry Brown and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaffor for “acting like criminals.” He called California worse than “a third world country thirty years ago,” and he said the downtown L.A. public library was “like Sodom and Gomorrah” with “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.”

“In a library?” Tucker inquired with obvious horror.

“In a library,” answered an utterly serious Fabio.

To all of this, social media called out Carlson for this odd clash of political celebrity weirdness with some brutal remarks.




Sadly, there were no “I can’t believe it’s not butter” jokes to be found. Maybe next time!

(Via Fox News)