Apple Enters The Gun Violence Debate By Replacing The Revolver Emoji With A Water Gun

While it may not change the world, Apple seems to have taken baby steps to help start a discussion about gun violence in the U.S. In its latest round of updates, Apple has replaced its gun emoji with a harmless water pistol. But not everyone was happy with the change.

People have found varying uses for the cavalcade of emoticons available, but the gun emoji was used in a way to signify people were frustrated and finished with a situation. It seemed to be funny in the moment, but if you really think about it, it’s kind of dark. It has been subbed for a standard green water gun with a white trigger. Harmless, right? Well, a number of people are not thrilled they have to use a water gun to show they’re angry, and Fox News wasn’t impressed either.

But not everyone is frustrated with the decision to make emojis more PC. Some even find some harmless humor in the whole situation:

Somewhere lost in the gun emoji debate, people haven’t noticed how Apple released a whole new set of gender-diverse emojis. During this next set of updates, some of the new options include single parents, women in traditional male professions, female athletes and a rainbow flag. It may seem like a little step, but Apple has shows it has heard the cries from its customers and is slowly diversifying its emoji base.

(Via Apple & The Guardian)