‘Among Us’ Is Getting A Big Update With New Roles And A Hide N’ Seek Mode

Emergency meeting! Among Us is getting a huge update featuring a new map, achievements, a Hide n’ Seek mode, and much more. The announcement comes as a part of the Summer Games Fest Kickoff livestream, which started earlier today and is running on and off throughout the month. As of right now, developer Innersloth has not yet revealed a release date for new content, but rest assured it will be available wherever you play Among Us.

The trailer for the update kicks off with the announcement of a new game mode, Hide n’ Seek. The mode pins one killer against the rest of the crew, who are then forced to find the perfect hiding spot to avoid being spotted and subsequently murdered by their devious teammate. Players will be able to play this new mode — and unlock dozens of fun, new achievements — on the game’s fifth and yet-to-be-revealed map.

In addition, the hit game appears to be taking a page from popular tabletop hidden role games, such as One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and is incorporating additional roles into the game. The update will include the scientist and sheriff roles, both of which aim to give the crew a better chance at eliminating imposters. While what exactly they’ll be doing has yet to be stated, scientists could potentially conduct tests to identify alien lifeforms on board and sheriffs could have a bit more pull when voting. And hey, added bonus, you’ll be able to test out these new roles sporting some new visors cosmetics and in six fresh colors: coral, tan, rose, maroon, banana, and grey.