Brett Ratner to film The Rock shirtless for 'Hercules,' may be taking this whole 'not homophobic' thing too far

Hot off his GLAAD-sponsored, I-didn’t-really-mean-to-say-rehearsal-was-for-fags apology tour, Brett Ratner is in talks to direct Dwayne and his The Rock-like Johnson in an adaptation of a graphic novel about Hercules for MGM. Now, I know Brett Ratner’s trying to buddy up to the gay community, but Brett Ratner directing The Rock in a Hercules movie sounds so homoerotic that I might have to go into it with a big bucket of buttered amyl poppers. Usually I only bring that out when GSP fights.

Dwayne Johnson is in talks to star in MGM’s “Hercules,” to be directed by Brett Ratner.
Scribe Ryan Condol adapted Steve Moore’s graphic novel “Hercules: The Thracian War,” which debuted in May 2008 via Radical Publishing. [Variety]

I don’t know much about the graphic novel, other than that it’s got a jacked dude wearing a hat made out of a lion’s skull (the foam cowboy hats of olden times). Here’s the description from Amazon:

Nearly 3,200 years ago, a tormented soul walked the Earth as neither man nor god: Hercules, powerful son of the god-king Zeus, and for this he received nothing but suffering. After 12 arduous labors and the loss of his family, this dark, world-weary soul turned his back on the gods, finding solace only in bloody battle. Over the years, he warmed to the company of six similar souls, bonded by their love of fighting and the presence of death never questioning where they go or who they fight, just how much they will be paid. Now the King of Thrace has hired these mercenaries to turn his men into the greatest army of all time, which means training them to be as bloodthirsty and ruthless as their own reputation. It is time for this band of lost souls to finally have their eyes opened to how far they have fallen and the narrow, perilous path to their own redemption.

This is why I can never get into graphic novels. They all seem so thuper theriouth. Anyway, a lot of people say The Rock is trying to follow the career blueprint of Arnold Schwarzenegger. And if that’s true, a Hercules movie is an apt starring vehicle for him. I just hope he gets to fight a bear in it like Arnold did, because that would be amazing.

Banner picture via Sam Aronov / Hercules art via ComicRelated.