Johnny Depp joins Wes Anderson’s next movie- OH GOD, THE WHIMSY!

According to Deadline, Johnny Depp will star in Wes Anderson’s next film (to be written and directed by Wes Anderson), The Grand Budapest Hotel, presumably part of Anderson’s “Fancy-Sounding Trains and Hotels” trilogy, which began with Hotel Chevalier and The Darjeeling Limited. Said Steven Fogelberg, of the New England Whimsy Museum, “OH GOD, IT’S GONE! THEY’VE TAKEN EVERYTHING!”

Anderson is going right back into business with his collaborators on Moonrise Kingdom [my review], which is heading toward a $40 million gross to be among this summer’s art house hits.
The Grand Budapest Hotel will be produced by Anderson along with Scott Rudin and Indian Paintbrush’s Steven Rales. UTA reps Depp and Anderson.
This comes as Depp continues to work on The Lone Ranger for Disney. He stars in that Gore Verbinski-directed film with Armie Hammer. [Deadline]

My God, think of the charmingly befuddled reaction shots. But hey, at least it’s not Depp working with Tim Burton again. Those two need to be separated like unruly middle schoolers (“Simmer down now, and stop it with the eye makeup!”). I still like both Wes Anderson and Johnny Depp, I just worry that they might bring out the worst in each other. It’s a match made in accessory heaven, the Baroque Gypsy Vampire and Little Lord Fauntleroy, precocious heir to the madras fortune. WHAT HIJINKS WILL THEY GET THEMSELVES INTO NEXT?!