‘Palo Alto,’ Where James Franco Is King And Everyone’s Father Is Famous

At this point, we’re all pretty used to titles like James Franco’s General Hospital, A Fictional Documentary About James Franco’s Role On General Hospital, Written And Directed By James Franco, Based On The Poem By James Franco (see also: James FrancoFest). Which is why it’s somewhat surprising that Franco allowed Gia Coppola to write and direct the adaptation of his book of short stories, Palo Alto.

High school kids be comin’ of age, y’all. Palo Alto stars James Franco, Emma Watson, Val Kilmer, and his real-life son Jack. I’m hesitant to give another Coppola offspring two more hours I’ll never get back after the one-two gut punch of Charles Swan and The Bling Ring, but Gia is actually the daughter of Roman and Sofia’s older brother Gian-Carlo, so who knows, maybe her generation of Coppolas will be less navel-gazey. Also, I have a weird thing for Emma Roberts, and James Franco as her pervy teacher seems like perfect casting. Probably not much of a stretch, either.

[protected-iframe id=”d58bfe1998dc5a7237e7ca1728ac5e83-60970621-68757882″ info=”https://movies.yahoo.com/video/palo-alto-trailer-161042089.html?format=embed&player_autoplay=false” width=”624″ height=”351″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]

So Eric Roberts’ daughter, Francis Ford Coppola’s granddaughter, Val Kilmer’s son, and Michael Madsen’s son in the same movie? Movie jobs have basically become hereditary title. “Welcome to Palo Alto, where James Franco is king and everyone’s father is famous.”

Additional trivia: The kid who plays the crazy kid, Fred, used to be one of the Naked Brothers Band, someone famous in FilmDrunk lore for their no-longer-online video for “Banana Smoothie,” one of the most unintentionally perverse children’s show clips of all time.

Anyway, Palo Alto opens May 9th, and all I want to know is where I can buy that Val Kilmer coffee mug.