Ryan Gosling Continues To Be The Greatest Person Alive

KTLA entertainment reporter and voice modulation disorder survivor Sam Rubin was recently offered the chance to interview Ryan Gosling, because that’s what an entertainment reporter is paid to do, but he apparently didn’t want to fly from L.A. to New York City to talk to the A-list star about his new film, The Place Beyond the Pines. Fortunately, his 17-year old daughter coaxed him into doing his job, and he dragged his feet all the way into the presence of Baby Goose’s baby blues.

The reason Rubin’s daughter wanted him to talk to Gosling was so he could get her copy of the “little-known” Dead Man’s Bones album (that a ton of people know about) autographed. But credit to Rubin for telling a good story and being nervous about coming off as “that dude” who asks a celebrity for an autograph during an interview.

Fortunately, when that celebrity is Gosling, you probably not only get the autograph, but you also get a whole bunch of charm.

In case you can’t watch the video, Gosling signed the album, “Perry, we have to stop meeting like this.” And I just assume that when she read the note, she exploded like the Chicken Lady on Kids in the Hall.