Wes Anderson’s Next Film Will Be A Stop-Motion Animation Movie About Dogs

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Grand Budapest Hotel
was Wes Anderson’s most successful (and probably best-looking) movie yet, though to me it was also the moment when he started to repeat himself. Fantastic Mr. Fox feels like the last time he was really trying something new, and now he’ll reportedly be going back to the stop-motion canine well for his next movie. He’s trying something new… again! Yay?

As The Playlist reports, the new news is that the film will be stop-motion, about dogs, and has already begun pre-production.

For his next trick, Anderson is returning to the world of stop-motion animation, and like “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” it will center around animals, but this time it will be about dogs. Deeper details are being kept under wraps for now, but sources confirmed the animated project is Anderson’s next picture and that pre-production work has begun. [ThePlaylist]

That’s about all we know for now, though I assume those dogs will be impeccably dressed and Bill Murray will show up somewhere. As The Playlist also notes, Anderson is also somewhat infamous for killing dogs in his movies, from Royal Tenenbaums to Moonrise Kingdom‘s lone arrant arrow fatality, plus some dog abuse in The Life Aquatic. He just likes to play dog deaths for tongue-in-cheek laughs, okay!

Now that Anderson has had this tendency pointed out in a few interviews, he’ll probably try to play against type this time out, right? TIME WILL TELL. He has also revealed that he doesn’t have dogs himself, I assume because the fur would play hell with his collection of bespoke corduroy suit jackets and patterned ascots. Wes Anderson is very fancy is what I’m saying.

"Ask me about my baubles." (That's the the Chevalier of the French Order of Arts and Letters, for the record).
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"Ask me about my baubles." (That's the the Chevalier of the French Order of Arts and Letters, for the record).