People Are Going Wild For ‘Tetris 99,’ A Free Nintendo Switch Battle Royale Game


Nintendo’s first huge online game for the Switch was always going to be Smash Bros. Ultimate, but its first viral hit might be a free download battle royale game. But it’s not the one you’re thinking.

On Wednesday, Nintendo announced Tetris 99, a battle royale version of the classic arcade game that for many gamers was their first entry into the medium. But Tetris 99 is a lot more like Fortnite than you’d expect a game that’s been copied and ported to every system imaginable because of its simplicity. For starters, 99 gamers battle for supremacy in block-stacking.

No, really. This tweet is actually a lot more accurate than you’d think before you boot it up.

Here’s the official explanation of the game on Nintendo’s website.

In large-scale, 99-player battles, it’ll take speed, skill, and strategy to knock out the competition and become the last player standing. You can target opponents by sending them Garbage Blocks, but be careful…your rivals can target you back! Defeat opponents to acquire KO badges that may give you the advantage on future attacks. Survive the onslaught and look forward to upcoming online events!

But that’s it as far as instruction. There’s no player guide, leading to some making one up on Reddit based on their own experiences with the gameplay. Which is, if you believe a completely compelled and also bewildered internet, absolute madness. The most interesting thing about this version of Tetris is that it is not for those that are patient. You have to work quickly, or you’re toast.

Basically, that person got so many garbage blocks sent their way that they never stood a chance. They key, it seems, is to send off your own blocks, be the person that does the KOing, and then power up your attacks to continue knocking folks out. Or something. This is a bit better work by a user who shared video of it on Thursday night.

Basically, people on Twitter are freaking out about the gameplay and how frantic they’ve made what could already be a very hectic game.

Some of these clears are downright inspirational.

Seriously, this game looks extremely addictive and easy to get lost in. The teens may still be dabbing all over Fortnite, but if you have a Switch and want a bit of nostalgia-tinged battle royale action, Tetris 99 is the easiest free purchase you’ll make all year.