Here’s The Cover Art For Anthony Bourdain’s Prequel Comic ‘Get Jiro: Blood And Sushi’

Back in 2012, Anthony Bourdain teamed up with Joel Rose and artist Langdon Foss to create the graphic novel Get Jiro! The story followed the adventures of sushi chef turned warrior Jiro as he fights to survive in a dystopian culinary future where rival cooking gangs constantly fight over territory in Los Angeles. The Vertigo title is like a mix of Mad Max and Top Chef, sort of.

Vulture recently announced Bourdain and Rose are back with Get Jiro: Blood and Sushi.  The prequel comic takes place in Tokyo, years before Jiro’s adventures in L.A.:

According to the official description, Blood and Sushi “tells the story of how Jiro’s two worlds collided as he worked for his father’s mob, yet pursued his love of cooking at night to become a chef.”

Bourdain released a statement about Blood and Sushi:

Where did my ultraviolent sushi chef hero from the previous book come from? What if you were brought up in a family where murder is acceptable practice and making the best sushi on the planet is a shameful secret?” he said. “I wanted to take the story back to its beginnings in Japan (albeit a slightly in-the-future, dystopic Japan), and indulge my own enthusiasms for both the place and the many classic genre films that have been made there. This is fun for me.

Here’s the bloody cover art in all it’s glory:

Get Jiro: Blood and Sushi hits stands on October 20th.

(Source: Vulture)