Details Of The ‘Constantine’ Pilot Supposedly Leak

We’re cautiously optimistic about Constantine, NBC’s upcoming attempt to get in on the comic book TV show train. True, David Goyer on the script isn’t necessarily great news, but it’s directed by superb horror director Neil Marshall and they’ve certainly got the look down if nothing else. But what about the plot? claims to have gotten their hands on the pilot script, and it’s actually much closer to Hellblazer than we were honestly expecting. That said, they might have been suckered, or the script might have been rewritten recently, so the usual grains of salt apply:

When we first find John, we learn he has voluntarily checked himself into a psychiatric clinic. He’s haunted by an incident in which he lost a 9-year-old girl to a demon who has dragged her soul to hell. He checks himself out of the hospital after six months to find something sinister is afoot in the realm of the supernatural.
Liv Parsons, a young woman who works at a rental car facility, gets caught up in John’s world when she discovers something is after her. Liv’s deceased father, Jasper, knew John and John owes a debt to him…. Liv is our conduit to John’s world of rituals, pendants, black magic and more and it handles the exposition well.

So it’s a bit like the movie, but Constantine is more of a screw-up. Also of note is the fact that he’s not going to be throwing around lightning bolts; the script specifically notes, apparently, that Constantine is not exactly a magic ninja.

Considering that NBC was willing to air Hannibal for two seasons, we’re hopeful that the team there is able to spot and support quality. And, hey, they’re already doing better than Fox with Gotham. No ‘stache, no cash, Fox!