New Pictures From ‘The Hobbit’ Are Out And So Is Thranduil, Apparently


New publicity stills from the first of three — yes, three — Hobbit movies, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, have been leaked. These are going to be published in an 2013 annual for the first film. But let’s be honest. The only reason we’re posting these is because Thranduil, the Elvenking of the Wood Elves and the father of Legolas, is looking three-snaps-in-a-Z-formation fierce.

The text accompanying the picture promises he “knows how to throw a party.” Pfft, like they even needed to say it. Just look at that elf. Of course he knows how to throw a party. Lee Pace seems to be positively channeling his character from Soldier’s Girl. There’s a reason I kept accidentally typing Thranduil as Tranduil in the first draft of this post. And that reason is because Lee Pace is fabulous.

There are some other pictures below, we guess. They aren’t going to top Thranduil (unless he asks nicely). All pictures courtesy of BexlinJ (via Comic Book Movie) and Ginger Haze.