Is Mark Ruffalo Hinting At The Hulk’s Return In ‘Captain America: Civil War’?

Mark Ruffalo previously suggested he was not a part of the first chunk of Marvel’s announced films for Phase Three, but a recent tweet from the actor has sent the Internet into a tailspin of speculation. That’s because he tweeted out the official logo for Captain America: Civil War, which is currently filming in Atlanta, and bid the film’s already massive cast a hearty welcome. Is this merely brand support, or something more?

Here’s the tweet in question, which Ruffalo sent out on Thursday:

And here’s the full message on his Tumblr page:

Marvel Studios Begins Production on Marvel’s ‘Captain America: Civil War’

Welcome to the wild party! Looking forward to this amazing cast.

Again, this isn’t an admission of Ruffalo’s involvement in the film. But it isn’t a denial of such a possibility, either. Ruffalo hasn’t commented on the tweet officially, either on Twitter or on any other platforms.

It’s probably just Ruffalo being publicly friendly to the cast. (He tends to be like that on social media — unlike the majority of the Internet.) Besides, Bruce Banner/Hulk doesn’t pop up in the Civil War comics on which the film is based. Considering the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s current trajectory (re: the events of Age of Ultron), it wouldn’t make much sense for him to show up.

(Via Newsarama)