Skyrim 2012 – Part Two: Stealing Cats and Taking Names

The last we heard from John & Justin Grosjean, the brothers were busy Skyrimming (yes, that is now a verb) their way through the local convenience store. Well, now they’re both back stirring up trouble, this time negating even more amounts of medieval karma than before.

On their latest adventure, the brothers perform a little breaking and entering over at Gregethor’s pad -wouldn’t you know, that dude leaves his cottage unlock all the time. After feeding their kleptomaniac impulses, the brothers discover that Gregethor doesn’t appreciate his cat being stolen, amongst other belongings.

And thus is the plight of the modern Skyrim warrior: even with good intentions, townsfolk will try to murder the sh*t out of you.

Check after the jump for episode two:

[via kotaku]