172 days until Star Wars: The reason Sabine blue herself in Season 2 of ‘Rebels’

While Sabine may have been sporting her trademark look while the “Star Wars Rebels” escaped from Lothal last week, it”s one of the last time”s we”ll see the spunky Mandalorian in pink and orange. Once Season 2 begins in full, Sabine will be trading in her look for a brand-new color scheme. Including all-new hair:

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The reveal of Sabine”s teal ombre and matching armor was cause of consternation to cosplayers everywhere who had already begun – or finished – their costumes based on these official designs.

MTV reached out to “Rebels” showrunner Dave Filoni to shed some light on the changes. The answer is simple: Sabine is a creative person and creative people aren”t afraid to change their look.

“I don”t believe that people in general that dye their hair ever really stick for it that long,” Filoni told MTV News over the phone last week, noting all of his friends who sport unusual hair colors – including his wife – like to play around with different shades. “I think it”s part of their creative impulse […] As an artist, Sabine would scribble on her armor and change the color of her armor.”

But”s not all just cosmetic. Sabine is also growing up and with life experience comes new ways of expressing it via clothing. As Filoni points out, neither Luke, Leia, or Han kept the same style of clothing for years. Why should cartoon characters be any different. Plus, it”s fun to watch cosplayers update their outfits!

“But on a certain level – I hate to say it, but it becomes fun for me to do that to them, because they”re all such great people. [Y]ou go to every convention year after year like I do, and you know a lot of them by sight. [It”s fun to] think, ‘Oh, I”m going to change the costumes up on them and see how they react.” I love the fan community, I”ve been a part of it before I was even working at LucasFilms. So, it”s all fun and fair at “Star Wars.””

Read the interview in full over at MTV!