‘Arrow’ Meets The Bratva On This Week’s Geeky TV

Last week on Arrow, they found a new Black Canary, since apparently Evil Fun Laurel is best used in small doses. Also Ollie spent a lot of time, in flashback, arguing with Talia Al Ghul about the ethics of killing people, which seems a little redundant since Ollie basically an assassin. And now, now we’re off to Russia!

Yes, five years after they came up, we’ve finally been learning the story behind Ollie’s Bratva gang tats, and unsurprisingly, according to the trailer, he did not leave the Russian mob on good terms. Although if you think about it, that’s pretty obvious and also fairly impressive, as most people who leave the Russian mob on poor terms do it through a wood chipper. So Ollie is probably going to have to kill a bunch of dudes just to leave Russia.

The main question this episode will hopefully answer is just what Talia is up to, exactly. That she’s been conspicuously missing for the last four seasons even as Ollie has disassembled the League of Assassins, been forced to marry her sister, and screwed up the timeline is curious, to say the least. Hopefully she hasn’t died off, since this will make like the fifth mentor Ollie’s gotten killed somehow otherwise. We’ll find out tonight at 8pm on the CW. Join us, won’t you?