Tell us what you thought of ‘Boyhood’

Save for two misguided dismissals, Richard Linklater's “Boyhood” has a commanding swath of positive reviews at Rotten Tomatoes yielding a 98% fresh rating at the moment. At Metacritic, the film is enjoying a staggering rating of 99 based on nearly 40 reviews so far. It's quite obvious that the film is pretty much universally acclaimed as the filmmaker's stunt has proved to be, well, way more than a stunt. It's a measured dissection of a life lived with all the mundane grace that populates it.

I've had my say on this masterpiece, and Drew McWeeny has offered up one of his most personal reviews to date. At Sundance, we were already on board and we talked to Ethan Hawke while we were there, and since then we've had a lengthy sit-down with the actress who gives perhaps the film's most impressive performance: Patricia Arquette. In short, we've covered it, and now the film is in the marketplace, stretching to even more cinemas this weekend. If it comes close to you and you're able to catch it, or if you have already, please head on back here with your thoughts and vote in our poll. I imagine we'll be talking about this one for a long time, well beyond the Oscar season.