Zach Galifianakis rescued a woman from homelessness and took her to the ‘Hangover III’ premiere

Man, my Zach Galifianakis name-spelling mnemonic device sure is getting a lot of use. I’m so glad I came up with it! It has saved me roughly 2 minutes so far, minutes which I plan to keep locked away in a box, saving up seconds until I have 180 of them, at which point I’ll take a tiny restorative nap. Thanks, Zach Galifianakis! (10 more seconds for the box.)

Today’s Zach news comes in the form of a heartwarming tale that also explains why ZG took an 87-year-old woman to the “Hangover III” premiere. The mature gal is one Mimi Haist, whom Zach befriended in 1994 when she was working at his local laundromat, Coin Fox Laundry in Santa Monica. Two years ago, Zach learned that Mimi had become homeless and helped her get back on her feet by securing an apartment and moving Mimi in. Now the ever-more-lovable Zach pay’s Mimi’s rent each month and even enlisted pal Renee Zellweger to decorate the joint. Which was probably a better choice than Mike Tyson.

Here’s a video featuring Mimi, who is a goddamn delight, especially when she does a little jig: