Baby Tate, who previously went by Yung Baby Tate, had her moment in the spotlight with 2020’s After The Rain. Months later, she dropped a deluxe reissue that added six songs to the original seven that appear on the project, which delivered collaborations with Flo Milli and fellow Atlanta native 6lack. After keeping things cool in 2021, Baby Tate, complete with a new name, is back in action with her latest single, “S.L.O. (Slut Him Out).” The track is quite the dismissive effort as she shuts down the idea of true romance and instead opts for a brief moment of freaky fun.
The new single comes after Baby Tate and 21 Savage appeared alongside JID on his most recent single, “Surround Sound.” The track closed with a verse from Baby Tate that was cut off after a few verses. This prompted fans to request the full version, something she delivered at the end of last month. Its release came in the form of a video posted to Twitter that captured twerking in the mirror. Prior to that, she released her “Pedi” single and dropped “Dungarees” for the soundtrack to Halle Berry’s film Brusied.
You can listen to “S.L.O. (Slut Him Out)” in the video above.
Baby Tate is a Warner Music artist. .