Kanye West Reports That His Calabasas Studio Has Been Robbed


Life for self-professed genius Kanye West isn’t always easy. In fact, life can sometimes even be hard for someone as talented and confusing as “Ye.” While we all know that Kanye is a rather strange dude, he’s still just a guy like the rest of us, with things that he cherishes and values. He stands up for people and things when they’re metaphorically robbed, but this time it wasn’t Beyonce who got taken. Yes, Kanye West was the guy that was robbed. In fact, he was reportedly robbed for over $20,000 in computers and studio equipment.

TMZ reports that on Tuesday morning Kanye’s staff found the door to his personal studio pried open and inside there were multiple laptops and desktop computers missing. The equipment has already been replaced and thanks to some high-tech security measures nothing really important was stolen. So no, don’t expect leaked, partial Kanye tracks making their way to the internet any time soon.

As for the culprits, the police claim to have no leads just yet, although Kanye’s team seem to believe that it was an inside job done by someone with knowledge of the studio and its security. Kanye really hasn’t said much about the incident, but this wasn’t the first time that someone has robbed Kanye. In fact, his home was robbed back in 2012 while he was away on tour.

(Via TMZ)