Anthony Scaramucci Confuses Monica Lewinsky (And Everyone Else) By Comparing His Plight To Her Infamous Scandal

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Despite spending only 10 days on the job as White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci’s star is still shining bright. His heated comments from a now infamous The New Yorker interview fueled Mario Cantone’s short-lived impression on The President Show, and with an upcoming The Late Show interview that has yet to be canceled, it seems the Mooch’s fiery moment in the spotlight won’t diminish anytime soon. This is especially true on Twitter, the social media platform from which Trump’s friend and former lackey scrubbed several questionable posts during his first days as the White House.

On Wednesday, Scaramucci renewed his criticism of The New Yorker‘s Ryan Lizza, whose conversation with the ex-White House staffer informed the controversial article that ultimately led to his downfall. The weekly magazine released snippets of Lizza’s call with the Mooch last week, and the latter wasn’t too happy about it. “[Lizza] is the Linda Tripp of 2017. People know. And he is up at night not being able to live with himself,” he tweeted.

When someone asked if Scaramucci was accusing the reported of taping the call without permission, he replied in the affirmative. “Yes. He absolutely taped the call without my permission.”

Late Show host Stephen Colbert’s jokes about CBS needing to censor the Mooch’s appearance next Monday notwithstanding, the comedian turned late night stalwart will undoubtedly ask Scaramucci about these tweets. Not just because the “one-party consent” law allows journalists to record telephone or in-person conversations so long as one party consents (and if they’re participating, they count as a “party”), but also because of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky’s Thursday morning tweet. For if Scaramucci thinks Lizza is the “Linda Tripp of 2017,” does that mean he’s Monica?

Needless to say, Twitter was quick to catch on to the Mooch’s unintentional comparison (and Lewinsky’s response to it).

Like his short-lived “online event,” Scaramucci will probably be cancelling his Late Show appearance now.