Khizr Khan Shreds Trump For Accepting A Veteran’s Purple Heart After Having Dodged The Vietnam War Draft

Khizr Khan’s moral stand against Donald Trump’s campaign for president continues, this time with Khan lofting some serious criticism at Trump’s ‘jaw dropping’ Purple Heart comments. Instead of lobbing jokes at the candidate for not knowing the Purple Heart in question was a replica or showing shock at Trump’s comments on wanting a purple heart. Instead, Khan once again strikes right at the heart of Trump and what he has achieved in his life.

“You dodged the draft,” Khan tells Anderson Cooper before apologizing for shouting. He then drops a suggestion for what Trump should’ve done on that stage:

“You had the time. You did not serve,” Khan told Cooper. “You should have pinned that back to that veteran’s chest and should have hugged him and thanked him.”

The New York Times reported that Trump received two student deferments from military service during the Vietnam War, with another medical deferment keeping him out of the conflict due to bone spurs in his feet. According to CNN, Trump shared his regrets in not serving during an interview following his rally in Ashburn, VA today. He then added that “so many of the greatest people I know have served,” with no mention of Khan or his past comments on John McCain.

Khan seems poised to become the thorn in Trump’s side during this campaign, a “Clinton plant” or not. Worst yet, it is a situation that Trump could’ve easily sidestepped if he wasn’t easily baited.

(Via CNN)