Gen. Michael Flynn’s Son Is Still Pushing An Insane Conspiracy About The Clintons Running A Child Sex Ring Out Of A Pizza Joint

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Following Sunday’s shooting incident at the Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant in Washington D.C., the son of retired General Michael Flynn continued promoting the #Pizzagate conspiracy theory and related fake news story that allegedly inspired the gunman. Michael G. Flynn, whose father was named by President-elect Donald Trump as his National Security Advisor in November, began tweeting and retweeting links, images, and other non-credible materials suggesting the shooting had nothing to do with the insanity of #Pizzagate, which was embraced by critics of Hillary Clinton and, oddly, supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip. None of it makes sense.

According to Mediaite, Flynn’s Twitter rant began with a false quote attributed to D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier, in which she allegedly claimed the shooting wasn’t tied to the viral fake news stories regarding Comet Ping Pong — where associates of Hillary Clinton were accused of operating a pedophilia ring. (They didn’t.) “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false,” he suggested, “it’ll remain a story.”

The younger Flynn, as well as several other self-identified pro-Trump and conservative Twitter accounts, have continued tweeting at and retweeting one another about the shooting and its supposedly falsified ties to #Pizzagate. Meanwhile, Gen. Flynn has yet to respond to either his son’s online activities or Sunday’s incident at the Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant. Whether or not the Trump cabinet pick actually will remains highly unlikely, especially since his own tweeted support of the fake news story underpinning the #Pizzagate conspiracy has been well-documented.

CNN reports the shooter, a 28-year-old resident of Salisbury, North Carolina named Edgar Maddison Welch, revealed to the authorities “he came to the establishment to self-investigate” the conspiracy theory around Comet Ping Pong. Although he did fire several shots on the premises with a shotgun, no one inside or outside the restaurant was hurt.

(Via Mediaite and CNN)