Rumors Are Swirling That Mike Pence Is Asking To Be Removed From The GOP Ticket

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After a rough weekend for Donald Trump and the GOP party as a whole, rumors are now swirling that Mike Pence might be asking off the presidential ticket completely. It would be a huge blow to the party and yet another issue for the Republican Party to manage.

At the same time as the media are attempting to confirm these rumors, Mike Pence tweeted congratulations to Trump on a “debate win.”

Pence came up in the debate tonight when Trump was asked about something Pence said in response to a question about Syria in the vice-presidential debate, specifically that “provocations need to be met with American strength, and if Russia continues to be involved along with the Syrian forces, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets of the Assad regime”

To this, Trump replied: “He and I haven’t spoken, and I disagree. Syria is no longer Syria. I believe we have to get ISIS. We have to worry about ISIS before we can get too much more involved.”

He and I haven’t spoken.

Earlier today the Indianapolis Star reported that Pence was waiting to see how Trump performed in Sunday night’s debate before making a decision. We’ll get some popcorn ready as we await word of his choice.