President Obama Has Faith The American People Will Not Elect Donald Trump

With a revitalizing primary win in New Hampshire after placing second in Iowa, Donald Trump’s political machine continues to roll along, unimpeded by his brash and unorthodox campaign. As the race for the White House grows closer to South Carolina’s republican primary on February 20th, Trump is enjoying a 16-point lead over distant second place Ted Cruz. What was once an eyebrow-raising phenomenon is becoming more and more real as Trump continues to win. But even with another victory potentially in Trump’s grasp, President Obama doesn’t believe that the mogul will move his office from New York to Washington. In a press conference today at the Leader’s Summit, Obama made it clear that he has faith in the American voters to not elect Trump:

“I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be President. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people and I think they recognize that being President is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show or a reality show. It’s not promotion. It’s not marketing. It’s hard. A lot of people count on us getting it right. Sometimes it requires you to make hard decisions even when you don’t like it … And standing up for people that are vulnerable, but don’t have some powerful political constituency.”

Obama continues his his statement by taking jabs at Trump’s (lack of) diplomacy skills, potential military leadership, and even went so far to suggest Trump may not be able to find some of the countries he’ll have to work with on a map. It’s as critical against Trump as you’ll get, and it was all uttered with ice-cold efficiency from the Commander-in-Chief.

(Via C-SPAN & CNN)