President Trump Has Decided To End The DACA Despite Pushback From Both Political Sides

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Cracking down on immigration has been a hallmark of Trump’s tenure as President so far, and whether or not he would continue to uphold the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has been a point of contention. Back in June, it seemed the Trump had reversed his campaign stance on the program, giving hope to many that people who have been living in and contributing to the United States since they were children would be allowed to stay. However, later reports insinuated that Trump was expected to phase out the program that protected young immigrants, despite the great costs that would come with ending the DACA.

While the White House confirmed that President Trump would be announcing his decision on Tuesday, Politico leaked on Sunday night that Trump would indeed be ending the program that gives 800,000 immigrants living in the United States the right to higher education and employment. High ranking Trump aides allegedly met on Sunday afternoon to discuss the sure to be controversial roll out next week. This move will fulfill his campaign promise to roll back the Obama-era legislation, with Trump calling it “one of the most unconstitutional actions ever undertaken by a president.”

Politico reports that there will be a six month delay in effect, but it is unclear at this point what that means for the Dreamers currently affected by the program.

The threat of ending the DACA has been unpopular on both sides of the political aisle, with many senior Republicans urging Trump not to end the program. House Speaker Paul Ryan was particularly vocal, saying that the DACA was “something that Congress has to fix.” Not surprisingly, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was one of the driving voices behind Trump’s decision. While no official statement will be made until Tuesday, here’s hoping Congress is willing to act instead of merely offering words of disapproval.

(Via Politico)